Friday, June 15, 2012

Military Police And Traffic | News and Society Tips

One unlucky side-effect of the many military base closings during the last one or two years is that more staff are focused on fewer bases. That means a bigger need for more housing and plenty of other services at military bases. The increased population of bases has been a cause for concern. The National Research Council?s Transportation Research Board was asked by Congress to observe the effects the base consolidations would have on traffic and transport on bases.

The study warned that traffic in general was going to be a big problem for bases where jobs and military personnel increased due to other base closures. Sparing additional personnel, money and resources to constantly cope with traffic blockages, accidents and dangers isn?t feasible for many bases already stretched to their limit. TraffiCalm Systems has a solution for military bases that will help with traffic calming and unlock staff to handle other jobs.

TraffiCalm?s speed signs use radar to detect the velocity of approaching autos and show the speed they?re traveling. The signs can flash when the cars are speeding or tell them to slow down. This sort of feedback, whether just the driver?s speed or an additional message, have been proved to slow down about 80% of speeding drivers, and can usually help slow drivers who are in the legal speed limit.

This can not only minimize accidents, both minor and fatal, but can help in keeping base MPs from wasting time writing traffic citations when they are required some place else.

MPs can write valid speeding citations on military bases. This is an obligatory function of the Military Police, and won?t be fully eliminated by any traffic calming measure. But using speed signs from TraffiCalm will reduce the number of speeders, which may reduce the amount of accidents and minimize the necessity for traffic citations based mostly on speed. They can assist in making MPs? roles easier.

Dynamic industrial signs from can be an all round informative and preventive tool for traffic calming on your military base. Check our web site today for more in-depth info.

Related posts:

  1. Traffic Responds Better To Speed Displays
  2. Hospital Street And Lot Traffic Signs
  3. Controlling Traffic In Parks
  4. Programmable Speed Signs For Bad Weather
  5. Feedback Displays Get Noticed

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