Friday, November 30, 2012

UN upgrades Palestinian status to 'non-member state'

Palestinians had a major symbolic victory when the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to recognize them, but the U.S. argued the new status could set back Palestinians in the path to peace. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.

By NBC News staff and wire services

The U.N. General Assembly approved a resolution on Thursday giving implicit recognition to Palestinian statehood despite threats by the United States and Israel to punish the Palestinian Authority by withholding funds for the West Bank government.

The resolution, which lifts the Palestinian Authority's U.N. observer status from "entity" to "non-member state," like the Vatican possesses, easily passed the 193-nation General Assembly with 138 nations voting in favor, and nine opposed, including the United States. Forty-one countries abstained, including the United Kingdom.

Israel, the United States and the other members who opposed the resolution see it as a largely symbolic and counterproductive move by the Palestinians. The vote took place on the 65th anniversary of the assembly's adoption of resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has led the campaign to win support for the resolution, which follows an eight-day conflict this month between Israel and Islamists in the Gaza Strip, who are pledged to Israel's destruction and oppose his efforts toward a negotiated peace.

The U.S. State Department made a last-ditch effort to get Abbas to reconsider, but the Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, held firm.?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking at the Brookings Institution on?Thursday, said the U.S. believes the resolution will "do nothing to advance the peace and the two-state solution we all want to see."

She noted that while the U.S. planned to vote "no," she played down differences with key diplomatic partners in Europe, including France, which were expected to vote in favor of the resolution.


A Palestinian man shouts slogans during a rally in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Thursday. The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly approved a resolution on Thursday to upgrade the Palestinian Authority's observer status at the United Nations.

"We and our European partners agree on the most fundamental issues and share a common objective ? two states living side-by-side living in peace and security," Clinton said.

Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said in a statement after the vote that "the only way to establish such a Palestinian state and resolve all permanent-status issues is through the crucial, if painful, work of direct negotiations between the parties."

"The United States therefore calls upon both the parties to resume direct talks without preconditions on all the issues that divide them," Rice said.

The U.K. had committed to voting for the resolution if Abbas had shown commitment to resuming peace negotiations without preconditions. Lacking that assurance, Britain abstained from the vote.

Following the vote at the UN General Assembly the Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said: "We continue to believe that the prospects for a swift return to negotiations on a two state solution ??the only way to create a Palestinian state on the ground?? would be greater today if President Abbas had been able to give the assurances we suggested, and without which we were unable to vote in favor of the resolution.

UN Palestinian statehood vote to be a personal political victory for Abbas?

"In particular, we called on President Abbas to set out a willingness to return to negotiations without preconditions, and to signal that the Palestinians would not immediately seek action in the International Criminal Court, which would be likely to make a return to negotiations impossible.

"Nonetheless, we will redouble our efforts to restart the peace process, and will continue our strong support for President Abbas, the Palestinian Authority, and a two state solution," he said.

Despite its fierce opposition, Israel made efforts that appeared designed to prevent diplomatic isolation. In recent days, it toned down threats of retaliation in the face of wide international support for the initiative, notably among its European allies.

"The decision at the United Nations will change nothing on the ground," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in Jerusalem. "It will not advance the establishment of a Palestinian state. It will delay it further."

But U.N. diplomats say that Israel's reaction might not be so measured if the Palestinians seek ICC action against Israel on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity or other crimes the court would have jurisdiction over.

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice addresses the assembly following a vote on whether to recognize a single Palestinian state.

Granting Palestinians the title of "non-member observer state" falls short of full U.N. membership???something the Palestinians failed to achieve last year. But it does allow them access to the International Criminal Court and other international bodies, should they choose to join them.

Speaking at an annual U.N. event in support of the Palestinians, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki appealed to U.N. member states to support Thursday's U.N. resolution. He also repeated his support for peace with Israel.

"Despite diminishing hopes and the decline of the situation on the ground due to Israel violations, we remain committed to the two-state solution and our hand remains extended in peace," he said at U.N. headquarters in New York.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland reiterated U.S. warnings that the move could cause a reduction of U.S. economic support for the Palestinians. The Israelis have also warned they might take significant deductions out of monthly transfers of duties that Israel collects on the Palestinians' behalf.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as calling on Washington and Israel to avoid "any hasty and destructive decisions."

"Supporting the Palestinian authorities is not only in the interest of the Palestinian side, but also of Israel and the whole international community that is longing for a peaceful political settlement," he said.

The European Union, a key donor for the Palestinians, has made clear it will not curtail aid after Thursday's vote.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also called for a revival of the peace process: "Israelis and Palestinians must break out of a zero-sum mentality, and embrace a peaceful path forward."

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Flag-waving Palestinians thronged the squares of the West Bank and Gaza Strip before Thursday's vote. In a rare show of unity, Abbas's Islamist rivals Hamas, who have ruled Gaza since a brief civil war in 2007, let backers of the president's Fatah movement hold demonstrations there.

Peace talks have been stalled for two years, mainly over Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have expanded despite being deemed illegal by most of the world. There are 4.3 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

In the draft resolution, the Palestinians have pledged to relaunch the peace process immediately following the U.N. vote.

With strong support from the developing world that makes up the majority of U.N. members, it is virtually assured of securing more than the requisite simple majority. Palestinian officials hope for more than 130 yes votes.

Abbas has focused on securing as many votes as possible from Europe, and his efforts appear to have paid off.

Going into the vote, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland had all pledged to support the resolution.?

NBC News' Kari Huus and Reuters contributed to this report.?

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Brewer rejects state-run health insurance exchange, feds will step in ...

WASHINGTON ? Gov. Jan Brewer announced Wednesday that Arizona will not create a state-based health exchange but will leave that job to the federal government, as detailed in the Affordable Care Act.

Brewer said the decision was one of the more difficult ones of her career in public office, but that ultimately there were too many unknown variables to proceed with a state-run exchange.

?There simply remains too much we don?t know about how a state-based exchange would function and its ultimate cost to taxpayers,? Brewer said in a prepared statement released by her office. ?Without clear federal guidance and instruction, I cannot in good conscience commit the taxpayers of my state to this costly endeavor.?

But some health officials in the state, while not criticizing the decision, worried that the governor may have just traded one unknown for another.

?We don?t know how much a federal exchange would involve,? said Pete Wertheim, spokesman for the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association. ?Is it a one-size-fits-all, or a look at a state?s needs? How will decision-making occur??

Arizona becomes the latest state to reject a role in the health-insurance exchanges, one of the many aspects of the federal health reform law sometimes called ?Obamacare.?

The exchanges are supposed to be virtual marketplaces where small businesses and uninsured low- and moderate-income consumers can buy coverage. Exchanges are to be up and running by 2014, when the law?s ?individual mandate? kicks in, requiring all Americans to either have health insurance or face the possibility of having to pay a penalty.

States were given the option of setting up their own exchanges or having the federal government do it for them. But many governors who opposed Obamacare ? like Brewer ? delayed a decision until after this fall?s elections, on the chance that the health reform law could be overturned by a new Congress or new administration.

States now have until Dec. 14 to tell the federal government whether they plan to set up their own exchange or not. As of last week, 18 states were in, 20 were out and five were going into exchange partnerships with the federal government, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Seven ? including Arizona at the time ? were still undecided.

Brewer said her decision ?comes following an extensive research and outreach process during which my team of health advisers conducted public hearings and met with HHS (the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), patient advocates and representatives of Arizona hospitals, health providers, insurers, tribal groups and other members of the health care community.?

The decision was quickly criticized by several Democratic lawmakers in the state.

?This exchange is one of the key areas in the Affordable Care Act that provides local people the flexibility to make decisions about what is best for local communities,? said Rep. Chad Campbell, D-Phoenix, the House minority leader, in a prepared statement. ?The governor just signed over a lot of power to the federal government.?

Sen. Leah Landrum Taylor, D-Tucson, called it ?a missed opportunity to establish healthcare solutions that are tailor-made for the unique needs of our state.?

?I would think the governor would want to be involved in decisions affecting the well-being of Arizonans,? Taylor said in a statement.

But Chic Older, executive vice president of the Arizona Medical Association, whose office had worked with Brewer?s on the issue, agreed with the governor that there are still a lot of questions.

?The Affordable Care Act is a fact and it?s complex for every one of us,? Older said. ?Many, many aspects of it are open to interpretation.

?This was probably, for the governor?s office, very difficult and without the attached certainty, hard to go forward with without knowing the ultimate cost and the cost-benefit,? he said.

Older said the medical association usually advocates for local control and that it supported a state-run exchange, but only from a procedural standpoint. And he noted that Arizona is not alone in declining to establish a state-based health exchange.

?It?s not like Arizona is the only one,? Older said. ?They?re in good company. There are a number of states that have made the same decision.?

An earlier deadline for states of Nov. 15 was pushed back after the Republican Governors Association sent a letter to President Barack Obama ?seeking clarification on critical outstanding questions related to the federal health care law.?

Older said the states were left with a lot to digest in a short amount of time.

?This is the hand we have been dealt and we will go with it,? he said.

Wertheim said he hopes the state?s decision can be revisited if circumstances change.

?We would prefer state-based, but we respect Gov. Brewer?s decision and we have to move forward,? he said. ?We?re disappointed, but ready to move on to the next challenge.?

- Cronkite News Service reporter Khara Persad contributed to this report.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

American Cancer Society Bark For Life - Oklahoma City News ...

Posted on: 1:38 pm, November 29, 2012, by Ted Malave, updated on: 01:39pm, November 29, 2012

OKLAHOMA CITY ? For the second year in a row Bark For Life is hosting an event where you can have your pet?s picture taken with Santa to raise money for a great cause.

The festive pics will feature the Grinch as Santa this year.

Pictures cost $20 donation with all proceeds going to help the American Cancer Society.

Bark For Life is Friday November 30th 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Pet Emporium near Britton and May.


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Twitter Announces New Policy On Copyright Complaints

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Adam Holland, November 5, 2012

Abstract: On Friday November 2, in a Tweet, Twitter announced a new policy regarding how it would handle tweets regarding which it received a copyright complaint.

Twitter has announced a new policy with respect to tweets about which it receives a copyright complaint under the DMCA. Upon receipt of a complaint, Twitter will now replace the tweet with a message reading "Tweet Withheld. This Tweet from @Username has been withheld in response to a report from the copyright holder." Tweets containing media will be dealt with similarly. Unsurprisingly, Twitter may also suspend or block repeat offenders. the complete new policy can be found on the "Copyright and DMCA Policy" page in Twitter's help Center.

As it already does with other requests to block or remove Tweets, Twitter will be sending these new DMCA reports to us here at Chilling Effects.

You may be wondering, as I was when I first heard about this, how it would be possible to infringe copyright in 140 characters. Surely such a small snippet of text is fair use? And isn't Twitter all about the retweet? The answer is that Twitter clearly does not expect literal infringement, via copying, by the text of tweets. Rather, infringement will take place through links or attached media. To wit:

"the unauthorized use of a copyrighted image as an profile photo, header photo, or background, allegations concerning the unauthorized use of a copyrighted image uploaded through our photo hosting service, or Tweets containing links to allegedly infringing materials."

As has been the case recently with announcements like this, many Internet users were initially confused, and saw the announcement as one of censorship on Twitter's part. See this Slashdot thread as one example.

Bleeding Edge Twitter users may also have been confused by this Tweet , which turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by a security researcher who had searched for a blocked tweet but had been unable to find one, so created his own. Others have already followed suit.

As always, it's worth noting that under the DMCA, a complainant does not need to prove to Twitter that copyright has been violated, or even that they hold a valid copyright in the material in question.
We'll have to wait and see in coming days if this new policy is used more to withhold legitimately infringing Tweets, or if it becomes primarily a tool for censorship.

Whichever it is, you'll be able to see and study all of the notices Twitter receives, here at Chilling Effects.



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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grandfather takes China by storm - as women's fashion model

GUANGZHOU, China (Reuters) - Liu Qianping was visiting his 24-year-old granddaughter in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou recently when the women's clothes the aspiring fashion entrepreneur was packing into boxes caught his eye.

His visit came as the model that granddaughter Lu Ting and four friends had booked for a photo shoot to promote their online fashion business suddenly cancelled, dealing a setback to their new venture.

But Liu, a 72-year-old former farmer visiting to escape the chilly winter of central Hunan province, stepped in to help.

"I walked into the room and saw them packing up some clothes and I thought they looked quite interesting and quite cute," Liu told Reuters.

"So I tried on a jacket and they found it really funny, and I thought it was quite funny. So they asked if they could take pictures of me and post them on the Internet to sell the clothes. And I said, 'why not?'"

It was at that time two weeks ago that a star was born.

Liu, known affectionately as "MaDiGaGa" - funny elderly - is now one of China's most recognised models.

Delighted with his new fame, Liu says he now sometimes looks at fashion programmes on television for ideas on how to pose but generally relies on Ting's team for direction.

He does, however, have his own opinions on styling.

"He will tell us which items should be stronger and what should be improved," Ting said.

"He really likes bright, contrasting colours while I prefer more tone-on-tone combinations. So he gives lots of advice when we try different combinations, so we have some very different styles."

Since her grandfather became involved, visits to their online site have increased four-fold and continue to rise.

Liu, who travelled to Shanghai with his daughter for the first time last week after they were invited to appear on television, said he had been approached by other companies to model for them but had turned them down.

"I never dreamed of lucky things like these happening to me. Now, my name has spread to everywhere in the country," he said.

Ting has been criticised on the Internet and accused of using her grandfather, but he insists the experience has put a spring in his step and she says they are now closer than ever.

"We have no firm plans on how long we will continue, it depends on my grandfather," Ting said. "If he is happy and his health is fine, we will keep using him as our model."

(Reporting by Stefanie McIntyre, editing by Elaine Lies and Anne Marie Roantree)


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Donna Ryder from Newport, Co. Mayo, is a Sports Scholarship student at IT Sligo and is currently ranked the no 1 racquetball player in Europe. She was conferred with a Bachelor of Business in Recreation and Leisure at the 2012 IT Sligo Conferring.
Mayo graduates were among more than 1,800 graduates conferred at IT Sligo at its annual Conferring Ceremonies last week. President of IT Sligo, Professor Terri Scott, said encouraged the graduates to be entrepreneurial in their outlook.
She quoted the President of the USA Barak Obama who said that ?focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it?s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realise your true potential.?


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29 Tenn. courthouses receive bomb threats

(AP) ? Authorities say the number of Tennessee courthouses involved in a rash of false bomb threats has risen to 29.

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security spokeswoman Dalya Qualls said Tuesday that nine threats were reported in West Tennessee counties, including the federal building in Memphis. Qualls says there were six bomb threats in Middle Tennessee and 14 in East Tennessee.

Many buildings had to be evacuated after the threats. Qualls said no bombs were found.

Tennessee is at least the fourth state this month to deal with phony bomb threats at courthouses. In Oregon, 28 courthouses were threatened last week, and similar threats were reported in Nebraska and Washington.

Associated Press


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Psychology Uncovers Sex Appeal of Dark Personalities

Why are narcissists more physically attractive?

narcissists, physical attraction dark personality traits, sex appeal, sex symbols, psychology of sex appeal, narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathyWhat is it about her? Image: iStock / GrenouilleFilms

  • Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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Although most people probably don?t consider narcissism or psychopathy desirable qualities in either their friends or romantic partners, many of us are mysteriously drawn toward people with these personality traits. Mean girls are often the most popular ones at school and vampires are sex symbols. Recent research has found that people with so-called ?dark? personality traits are more physically attractive than others. What is it about dark personalities that make them so appealing? The answer may help us understand what makes people with these personality traits so successful at exploiting others.

Nicholas Holtzman and Michael Strube of Washington University in St. Louis were interested in looking at the relationship between physical attractiveness and people?s tendencies towards narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They wanted to find out whether these three traits, referred to as the ?dark triad,? are associated with a greater ability to successfully enhance one?s physical appearance.

To test this idea, they invited 111 college students (64 percent women) into their laboratory. Each student was photographed soon after they arrived.? Then, after taking this initial photograph, each student asked to change out of their own clothes and put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a t-shirt.? Women were instructed to remove any makeup, and anyone with long hair was asked to pull it back into a ponytail. The students were then photographed in this more natural state. Holtzman and Strube showed both sets of photographs to a group of strangers who rated them in terms of physical attractiveness. By comparing the attractiveness ratings of the dressed-down and dressed-up students, the researchers were able to determine how much each student was able to make themselves more appealing through flashy clothes, makeup, accessories, etc.

Next Holtzman and Strube assessed the students? personalities and their tendencies towards narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They asked the students to rate themselves and to provide email addresses for a few of their friends so that the researchers could ask them to provide ratings as well. This combination of self and peer ratings was used to calculate a final set personality scores for each student. Furthermore, the students? ratings on narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism were combined into create a composite ?dark triad? score.

The dark triad score was positively correlated with their ?dressed-up? attractiveness ? a finding that mirrors previous findings. However, the dark triad score was not related to ratings of physical attractiveness in the dressed-down photos. In other words, people with dark personality traits are not seen as more physically attractive than others when you take away their freedom to wear their own clothes and makeup. People with dark personalities seem to be better at making themselves physically appealing.

The findings reinforce previous research showing that narcissists are more popular than others, literally at first sight. Mitja Back and Boris Egloff of Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz along with Stefan Schmukle at Westfalische Wilhelms-University of Muenster conducted a study in 2010 where they collected information on students? personalities and then had them briefly introduce themselves to one another. After these brief introductions, the students filled out surveys asking about the first impressions made by each other. Students scoring higher on narcissism were seen as more likeable.? People perceived the narcissists as more likeable and found that they had flashier appearances, more confident body language, and more attractive facial expressions. Together with Holtzman and Strube?s findings, this suggests that narcissists are more skilled at carrying and presenting themselves in a way that immediately impresses others.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

W.H. concerned by Egyptian leader's power grab

Egyptian protesters clash with security forces, not pictured, near Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, on Sunday. (Ahmed??The White House expressed "significant and serious" concerns on Monday about Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi's shock power grab last week. But press secretary Jay Carney carefully avoided offering any criticism of a leader who just one week ago seemed to be on President Barack Obama's speed dial as they worked on a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Carney repeatedly addressed the political crisis in Egypt in relatively dry and mild diplo-speak, while emphasizing that Morsi "played an important role" in crafting the cease-fire and deserved "credit" for that. There was no "we strongly condemn" and no "we denounce," and even his "significant and serious" concerns came only after reporters underlined the lukewarm nature of America's public response.

"We continue to engage with the Egyptians on this," Carney said. "And I think that the important issue here is that the Egyptian people want a government that reflects their will, and we certainly support that." Morsi's actions triggered violent protests of the sort that ultimately pushed longtime strongman (and close U.S. ally) Hosni Mubarak from power in early 2011.

Does Obama feel disappointed or betrayed, given that Morsi's actions came after weeklong telephone diplomacy? "Well, no," said Carney. "We see those as separate issues." Was the White House forewarned or was it caught by surprise? "We have raised our concerns and I think that in part answers your question," he said. "Our interest is in the process, the transition towards democracy continuing and the development of a government that reflects the will of the Egyptian people. And we're working towards that," Carney said.

Invited to weigh in on whether Morsi's actions suggested a transition to democracy or steps toward dictatorship, Carney demurred. "That transition, if anyone ever promised that it would be smooth, they were foolhardy, because that was never going to be the case," he said.

"What is important here is that the transition to democracy will be achieved by the Egyptian people, not by the manner in which we raise concerns," Carney said.


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Intrade boots US customers after federal charges

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Intrade, the online prediction market that gained popularity as an informal oddsmaker for the presidential election, shut itself to U.S. customers Monday after regulators charged it with illegally facilitating bets on future economic data, the price of gold and even acts of war.

Hours after the Commodity Futures Trading Commission filed a complaint in federal court, Intrade posted in its user forum and on its news page that it could no longer allow U.S. residents to trade "due to legal and regulatory pressures."

U.S. residents must begin closing their accounts and withdrawing their funds immediately, the website said. It said customers must resolve open predictions by Dec. 23 or the site would assign them "fair market value" and close them.

The CFTC's civil complaint charged that Intrade and its operator solicited customers to trade investment contracts that technically are options. Options must be traded on approved, regulated exchanges.

"Today's action should make it clear that we will intervene in the 'prediction' markets, wherever they may be based, when their U.S. activities violate" laws and rules enforced by the agency, CFTC enforcement director David Meister said in a statement.

By requiring that options be traded on approved exchanges, Meister said, regulators can "police market activity and protect market integrity."

Intrade did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

It was unclear whether regulators believe that all trades on Intrade by U.S. investors are illegal. The CFTC said it would not comment further because the matter was in litigation.

Intrade is known for facilitating bets on award shows, weather and other high-profile events. The prices at which customers are willing to make those bets are cited as informal odds. TEN also used to allow betting on sports through other sites that it operated.

For example, on Monday the site gave "Argo" a 28.5 percent chance of winning the Oscar for best picture and assigned a 19 percent chance that the United States or Israel would launch an airstrike against Iran by June 30.

The CFTC oversees markets for futures and options, investments that allow people to bet on the future prices of commodities like grain and oil. Those contracts help farms, airlines and other businesses to protect themselves against unexpected price swings.

In the complaint, the CFTC alleged that Intrade, based in Ireland, had illegally solicited everyday U.S. investors to use the website between September 2007 and June 25 of this year.

Intrade and its operator, Trade Exchange Network Ltd., falsely claimed in annual reports that the contracts were not being sold to ordinary U.S. customers, the CFTC said. Regulators want the companies to pay fines and return profits that were obtained illegally. They want the site and its operators barred from any future activities related to options trading.

Intrade users reported on Twitter that the site already blocks them from trading contracts related to the prices of oil and gold.

One of them, Joe Schilling, posted an image of an email he said was sent by Intrade in 2009, stating that crude oil and gold contracts were unavailable to U.S. users "due to a regulatory request" from the CFTC.

TEN settled similar charges of soliciting U.S. investors in 2005. In an order filed with that settlement, the CFTC said that U.S. customers accounted for up to 40 percent of Intrade's total customer base. TEN paid $150,000 and agreed to halt further violations.

Under the settlement, TEN agreed to use pop-up windows to tell U.S. customers which bets were not available to them. It said it would cooperate in any future investigations.

Monday's complaint includes charges that TEN violated that earlier settlement. The company used Intrade to offer illegal options including on the future prices of gold, changes in the unemployment rate and a measure of U.S. economic output, the complaint said. It said TEN failed to provide the pop-up notices mandated in the 2005 order.


Daniel Wagner can be reached at


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Analysis: German hint of Greek debt relief raises euro hopes

The head of Austria's central bank, Ewald Nowotny, and German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have both made statements over this weekend that affect bailout options for Spain. In particular, Nowotny says Spain must seek help before ECB buys bonds. Spain would have to apply for a rescue package before qualifying for inclusion in the European Central Bank's plan to buy debt of struggling euro zone members, ECB policymaker Ewald Nowotny said.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Dating other people while in a relationship - Talk About Marriage

General Relationship Discussion Although anyone can post anywhere on Talk About Marriage, this section is for people interested in general relationship and marriage advice.

Old Yesterday, 09:25 AM ? #6 (permalink)



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Is there something wrong with this scenario?
Allow me to translate LiarSpeak for you, Costa.


He told me he would like to settle down when he is sure that we are truly right for each other
"I would like to settle for you when I am done chasing anyone else who attracts my attention; and when I am sure I can't get anyone hotter than you. You are my Plan B."


meanwhile I am free to date anyone I like.
"I don't value you enough to want to be exclusive with you, so don't get the wrong idea that you're 'special', because you're not. But I'd still like to fvck you when I can!"

There you go; now that you've removed the forked-tongue, double-speak, it's really quite clear (and quite simple), isn't it?

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Old Yesterday, 03:53 PM ? #13 (permalink)



Join Date: Apr 2012

Location: Kansas City Metro area

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If you are looking for a relationship with more substance, keep sex off of the table for a while with the next guy until you are more exclusive.

I can't agree with this point. I've found that sex is one of the important ways a man decides whether a woman is worth being with. Bad sex will equal a quick fade even after they've become exclusive.

Plus, people fall for people who are "into" them. Withholding sex for some arbitrary point is just a way of saying, "I'm not that into you."

As one of the five pillars of compatibility, I would encourage you to do whatever feels natural to you sexually, but remain aware that you are still learning about areas that you are or are not compatible on.

I have to articles on my blog related to this topic that can help you decide how long you should or shouldn't wait:

How Soon Should You Have Sex in a New Relationship?

5 Pillars of Compatibility (& Incompatibility)

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Old Yesterday, 04:03 PM ? #14 (permalink)



Join Date: Sep 2012

Posts: 151


I can't agree with this point. I've found that sex is one of the important ways a man decides whether a woman is worth being with. Bad sex will equal a quick fade even after they've become exclusive.

Plus, people fall for people who are "into" them. Withholding sex for some arbitrary point is just a way of saying, "I'm not that into you."

As one of the five pillars of compatibility, I would encourage you to do whatever feels natural to you sexually, but remain aware that you are still learning about areas that you are or are not compatible on.

I disagree with the above bolded part. I didn't have sex with my husband prior to marriage, not because I wasn't into him, but because of a vow that I made not only to myself, but to my faith. It was hard, and we crossed some lines, but didn't have sex. Now of course this is not true for everyone, but I disagree that it says that you're not into them.

I do think that when sex is not on the table at the beginning you can filter through what a person is like, and if you are compatible in other areas.nsex can cloud emotions for some.

I have not read your articles yet but looking forward to reading them later.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hosting Advice That Should Not Be Overlooked | Website Design ...

Many new small businesses make the mistake of choosing a cheap web host, in order to minimize costs. That said, being overly price-sensitive when it comes to choosing web page hosting can actually lose a business money in the long run. Continue on to the article below for some great web page hosting advice for small business owners.

You should know the maintenance schedule of your website hosting company. It is best for the maintenance to be scheduled no more than once a month. If it?s more often than that, it can result in too much down time for your site from that provider.

TIPS! Before choosing a web host, go directly to its website and take a look around. If their site is amateurish, obviously a template or riddled with typos, this is a huge red flag.

Do any of the hosts you?re choosing between offer your money back if you?re not satisfied? If you become dissatisfied with the service within 30 days of signing up, you should have the right to cancel your service and have your money returned to you. This is because although a web host may advertise certain things, the things they advertise may not be true.

If a web host allows you to cancel your service at any time, they are probably a good company. Even signing a monthly or yearly contract, you should be able to cancel at any time and be returned the money for your unused time on the contract. You don?t want to be stuck with a company, or spend money to cancel your service.

TIPS! Most web hosts have various add-ons for their packages, however, the features offered varies host by host. When comparing the services offered by each host, ensure that the package you compare from each one contains the feature(s) you need.

Look at your host?s offered service access. Will you have access to a more complex server, or a more simple one? Some hosting platforms incorporate FTP-based servers, and others use a simpler control panel. The more complex your website is, the better the access you will need. However, a simple website will work with the control panel access.

You should always pay for a web host whenever possible. This is especially true for businesses who are looking for a host, as they need something more professional, rather than a free service which may not be helpful. Free hosting services may plaster advertisements all over your website, and you are not at liberty to change them. These adverts can really annoy your visitors, and even cause them to leave your site, vowing never to return.

Price shouldn?t be the sole determiner when you?re choosing a web page hosting company. Consider a wide range of options and features. There are a lot of things that define a good web host, so make sure you don?t settle for less than you need because it is cheap. Be certain you are getting the best melding of price and function that you can get for your site.

TIPS! If you need to move your website to a different host, find out if your domain name will come with you. There?s some hosts that don?t allow this, and this can result in a loss of your site?s brand equity and reputation.

If you have financial restrictions, consider a free web page hosting service. What this means, though, is that you will probably need to allow ads to appear on your website pages, and the storage space offered by the hosting provider will probably be quite limited. When it is important that your website is highly professional looking, this kind of hosting may not be an option.

As you are able to see now, it is not a good idea to spend to little on website hosting. If you want to be successful online, your business needs to accessible at all times. Use this advice so that you do not have to go through the mistakes that people commonly make when they decide on a web host.

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Estrogenic plants linked to altered hormones, possible behavior changes in monkeys

Estrogenic plants linked to altered hormones, possible behavior changes in monkeys [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Nov-2012
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Contact: Sarah Yang
University of California - Berkeley

Berkeley Eating certain veggies not only supplies key nutrients, it may also influence hormone levels and behaviors such as aggression and sexual activity, says a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, that could shed light on the role of diet in human evolution.

The research is the first to observe the connection between plant-based estrogenic compounds, or phytoestrogens, and behavior in wild primates in this case, a group of red colobus monkeys in Uganda.

The more the male monkeys dined on the leaves of Millettia dura, a tropical tree containing estrogen-like compounds, the higher their levels of estradiol and cortisol. The researchers also found that with the altered hormone levels came more acts of aggression and sex, and less time spent grooming an important behavior for social bonding in primates.

The study, published in the current issue of the journal Hormones and Behavior, suggests how potentially important consuming phytoestrogens is in primate ecology and evolution.

"It's one of the first studies done in a natural setting providing evidence that plant chemicals can directly affect a wild primate's physiology and behavior by acting on the endocrine system," said study lead author Michael Wasserman, who conducted the research as a graduate student at UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. "By altering hormone levels and social behaviors important to reproduction and health, plants may have played a large role in the evolution of primate including human biology in ways that have been underappreciated."

For 11 months, the researchers followed a group of red colobus monkeys in Uganda's Kibale National Park and recorded what the primates ate. For behavioral observations, the researchers focused on aggression, as marked by the number of chases and fights, the frequency of mating and time spent grooming.

To assess changes in hormone levels, the researchers collected fecal samples once a week from each of 10 adult males in the group (a separate study examining phytoestrogens in females is ongoing). More than 407 samples were collected and analyzed for estradiol and cortisol levels.

The researchers found seasonal variation in the consumption of estrogenic plants, which made up 0.7 percent to as much as 32.4 percent of the red colobus diet in any given week. For red colobus adult males, higher consumption of estrogenic plants corresponded to higher levels of estradiol and cortisol, two steroid hormones important to reproduction and the stress response.

Phytoestrogens are also found in human foods, especially soy and soy-based products. Millettia dura, the tropical tree that was most important to red colobus monkey hormone levels and social behaviors, is a close relative of soy.

"With all of the concern today about phytoestrogen intake by humans through soy products, it is very useful to find out more about the exposure to such compounds in living primates and, by analogy, human ancestors," said study co-author Katharine Milton, professor in UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management and an expert on the dietary ecology of primates. "This is particularly true when determining the influence of phytoestrogens on reproductive behavior, which is the whole keystone of natural selection."

The study authors cautioned against overinterpreting the power of phytoestrogens in altering behavior, however. They emphasized that estrogenic plant consumption is just one of multiple factors influencing primate hormone levels and behavior. Notably, the primates' own endogenous hormone levels were the stronger predictor of certain behaviors, while phytoestrogens played a secondary role.

The researchers noted that the tendency for certain behaviors to occur can be affected by complex interactions between endogenous hormones and phytoestrogens, in addition to factors such as the quality and quantity of food, competition for resources and mates and predation.

Nonetheless, previous research in laboratory and agricultural settings found that eating estrogenic plants could disrupt fertility and affect behavior in animals such as rodents, monkeys and sheep. Effects of phytoestrogen consumption in other studies have included more aggression, less body contact, more isolation, higher anxiety and impaired reproduction.

To expand on this possibility, Wasserman and his colleagues are now examining the relationship between phytoestrogens and other primate species, including our closest-living relative, the chimpanzee, to determine how common estrogenic plants are in the diets of wild primates.

"Human ancestors took most of their diet from wild tropical plants, and our biology has changed little since this time, so similar relationships as those found here are expected to have occurred over our evolutionary history," said Wasserman, now a post-doctoral scholar at McGill University's Department of Anthropology in Montreal, Canada.

However, the researchers noted that the red colobus diet contains a high percentage of leaves, while the diet of chimpanzees, other apes and human ancestors consists primarily of fruits. Thus, one of Wasserman's current goals is to compare the presence of phytoestrogens in wild leaves and fruits.

"If phytoestrogens make up a significant proportion of a fruit-eating primate's diet, and that consumption has similar physiological and behavioral effects as those observed in the red colobus, then estrogenic plants likely played an important role in human evolution," said Wasserman. "After studying the effects of phytoestrogens in apes and fruit-eating primates, we can then get a better sense of how these estrogenic compounds may influence human health and behavior."


Other co-authors of the study are Colin Chapman and Jan Gogarten from McGill University, and Daniel Wittwer and Toni Ziegler from the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The National Science Foundation and the International Primatological Society helped support this research.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Estrogenic plants linked to altered hormones, possible behavior changes in monkeys [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 19-Nov-2012
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Contact: Sarah Yang
University of California - Berkeley

Berkeley Eating certain veggies not only supplies key nutrients, it may also influence hormone levels and behaviors such as aggression and sexual activity, says a new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, that could shed light on the role of diet in human evolution.

The research is the first to observe the connection between plant-based estrogenic compounds, or phytoestrogens, and behavior in wild primates in this case, a group of red colobus monkeys in Uganda.

The more the male monkeys dined on the leaves of Millettia dura, a tropical tree containing estrogen-like compounds, the higher their levels of estradiol and cortisol. The researchers also found that with the altered hormone levels came more acts of aggression and sex, and less time spent grooming an important behavior for social bonding in primates.

The study, published in the current issue of the journal Hormones and Behavior, suggests how potentially important consuming phytoestrogens is in primate ecology and evolution.

"It's one of the first studies done in a natural setting providing evidence that plant chemicals can directly affect a wild primate's physiology and behavior by acting on the endocrine system," said study lead author Michael Wasserman, who conducted the research as a graduate student at UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. "By altering hormone levels and social behaviors important to reproduction and health, plants may have played a large role in the evolution of primate including human biology in ways that have been underappreciated."

For 11 months, the researchers followed a group of red colobus monkeys in Uganda's Kibale National Park and recorded what the primates ate. For behavioral observations, the researchers focused on aggression, as marked by the number of chases and fights, the frequency of mating and time spent grooming.

To assess changes in hormone levels, the researchers collected fecal samples once a week from each of 10 adult males in the group (a separate study examining phytoestrogens in females is ongoing). More than 407 samples were collected and analyzed for estradiol and cortisol levels.

The researchers found seasonal variation in the consumption of estrogenic plants, which made up 0.7 percent to as much as 32.4 percent of the red colobus diet in any given week. For red colobus adult males, higher consumption of estrogenic plants corresponded to higher levels of estradiol and cortisol, two steroid hormones important to reproduction and the stress response.

Phytoestrogens are also found in human foods, especially soy and soy-based products. Millettia dura, the tropical tree that was most important to red colobus monkey hormone levels and social behaviors, is a close relative of soy.

"With all of the concern today about phytoestrogen intake by humans through soy products, it is very useful to find out more about the exposure to such compounds in living primates and, by analogy, human ancestors," said study co-author Katharine Milton, professor in UC Berkeley's Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management and an expert on the dietary ecology of primates. "This is particularly true when determining the influence of phytoestrogens on reproductive behavior, which is the whole keystone of natural selection."

The study authors cautioned against overinterpreting the power of phytoestrogens in altering behavior, however. They emphasized that estrogenic plant consumption is just one of multiple factors influencing primate hormone levels and behavior. Notably, the primates' own endogenous hormone levels were the stronger predictor of certain behaviors, while phytoestrogens played a secondary role.

The researchers noted that the tendency for certain behaviors to occur can be affected by complex interactions between endogenous hormones and phytoestrogens, in addition to factors such as the quality and quantity of food, competition for resources and mates and predation.

Nonetheless, previous research in laboratory and agricultural settings found that eating estrogenic plants could disrupt fertility and affect behavior in animals such as rodents, monkeys and sheep. Effects of phytoestrogen consumption in other studies have included more aggression, less body contact, more isolation, higher anxiety and impaired reproduction.

To expand on this possibility, Wasserman and his colleagues are now examining the relationship between phytoestrogens and other primate species, including our closest-living relative, the chimpanzee, to determine how common estrogenic plants are in the diets of wild primates.

"Human ancestors took most of their diet from wild tropical plants, and our biology has changed little since this time, so similar relationships as those found here are expected to have occurred over our evolutionary history," said Wasserman, now a post-doctoral scholar at McGill University's Department of Anthropology in Montreal, Canada.

However, the researchers noted that the red colobus diet contains a high percentage of leaves, while the diet of chimpanzees, other apes and human ancestors consists primarily of fruits. Thus, one of Wasserman's current goals is to compare the presence of phytoestrogens in wild leaves and fruits.

"If phytoestrogens make up a significant proportion of a fruit-eating primate's diet, and that consumption has similar physiological and behavioral effects as those observed in the red colobus, then estrogenic plants likely played an important role in human evolution," said Wasserman. "After studying the effects of phytoestrogens in apes and fruit-eating primates, we can then get a better sense of how these estrogenic compounds may influence human health and behavior."


Other co-authors of the study are Colin Chapman and Jan Gogarten from McGill University, and Daniel Wittwer and Toni Ziegler from the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The National Science Foundation and the International Primatological Society helped support this research.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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World stocks up amid optimism over US budget

Women check an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Monday, Nov. 19, 2012 as the yen's recent weakness helped boost Japan's Nikkei 225 and its heavy orientation toward exporting companies. The index in Tokyo jumped 1.6 percent to 9,171.26, a two-month high. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Women check an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Monday, Nov. 19, 2012 as the yen's recent weakness helped boost Japan's Nikkei 225 and its heavy orientation toward exporting companies. The index in Tokyo jumped 1.6 percent to 9,171.26, a two-month high. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

Women walk past an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Monday, Nov. 19, 2012 as the yen's recent weakness helped boost Japan's Nikkei 225 and its heavy orientation toward exporting companies. The index in Tokyo jumped 1.6 percent to 9,171.26, a two-month high. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi)

(AP) ? World stock markets rose Monday, registering optimism after negotiations late last week between President Barack Obama and leaders of Congress raised hopes the U.S. would avoid its "fiscal cliff" before the end-of-the-year deadline.

Obama met with the top leaders of the House and Senate on Friday to discuss ways to avert a series of automatic tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take effect Jan. 1 in the absence of intervening action. U.S. lawmakers have said a budget deal before Christmas is possible.

Economists have been warning of the consequences if no action is taken. The spending cuts and higher taxes ? plus the expiration of extended unemployment benefits ? would mean that $671 billion is sliced out of the American economy next year. That's enough to throw the world's biggest economy into a recession.

European stocks were mostly higher in early trading. Britain's FTSE 100 fell 0.4 percent to 5,654.78. But Germany's DAX gained 1 percent to 7,0167.87. France's CAC-40 advanced 1 percent to 3,374.21.

Wall Street was set for a higher open. Dow Jones industrial futures rose 0.3 percent to 12,602. S&P 500 futures gained 0.3 percent to 1,363.80.

Investors looking for good deals following a global stock market slump that occurred in the aftermath of the U.S. presidential election helped push Asian stock markets higher.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 0.5 percent to 21,262.06 and South Korea's Kospi rose 0.9 percent to 1,878.10. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.6 percent to 4,361.40. Mainland China's Shanghai Composite Index inched up 0.1 percent to 2,016.98. The smaller Shenzhen Composite Index rose marginally to 800.84.

"Because Hong Kong dropped for two weeks, maybe there is some bargain hunting," said Linus Yip, strategist at First Shanghai Securities in Hong Kong. He said that the budget negotiations in the U.S. are occupying the spotlight in the near term, but the ultimate issue is the state of the global economy.

Investors were particularly concerned by data last week showing U.S. industrial output falling 0.4 percent in October and the 17-country euro area falling into another recession.

The yen's recent weakness helped boost Japan's Nikkei 225 and its heavy orientation toward exporting companies. The index in Tokyo jumped 1.4 percent to close at 9,153.20, its highest close since Sept. 19.

A weak yen reduces the cost of Japanese products overseas, and that helps companies whose survival depends on sales beyond their home turf.

Toyota Motor Corp. rose 1.4 percent. Yamaha Motor Co. gained 1.9 percent. Canon Inc. surged 4.5 percent. Nikon Corp. added 4.7 percent.

Heavy industrial shares also posted gains. South Korean shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. rose 2.8 percent. Japanese heavy equipment maker Komatsu Ltd. rose 3.4 percent. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. gained 3.4 percent.

Australian surf wear company Billabong International soared 10.1 percent after news that its U.S. business head Paul Naude was considering a leveraged buyout of the company.

Benchmark oil for December delivery was up 79 cents to $87.71 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $1.05 to finish at $86.92 per barrel.

In currencies, the euro rose to $1.2781 from $1.2727 late Friday in New York. The dollar was unchanged at 81.22 yen.


Follow Pamela Sampson on Twitter at

Associated Press


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Goodwin scores an inspired 25 points in Heat loss to UNBC ...

Azi Fahandeg-Sadi (4th year, Kelowna, BC) potted 15 points in a losing cause versus UNBC Saturday night in Prince George. (Photo by Dale Abbey)

Men?s Basketball (Canada West Conference play) ?????????

Saturday November 17, 2012????????? BOXSCORE / SCHEDULE & RESULTS
Charles Jago Northern Sporting Centre, UNBC, Prince George, B.C.

Score by Periods






UBC Okanagan






Record: (1-5)
University of Northern BC






Record: (4-2)


PRINCE GEORGE, BC ?A 29-16 fourth quarter proved to be the undoing for the Heat as UNBC stole the game to earn the 81-74 victory Saturday night at the Charles Jago Northern Sports Centre.

Leading 58-52 after three quarters, the fourth quarter started great for UBC Okanagan as third year guard, Anwar Faza (Ottawa, ON), on the Heat?s first possession connected on a three to extend the lead to nine points. The Heat men were poised to put the finishing touches on a weekend split.

However, 16 points in the paint coupled with eight second-chance points in the fourth quarter broke the game wide open for UNBC as the Heat cooled offensively at a crucial time in the game.

?We didn?t guard well in the fourth quarter and had some costly mistakes down the stretch,? commented head coach Pete Guarasci. ?But the guys competed hard to try and earn the split.?

Despite the loss, the Heat were rewarded with an outstanding game from rookie guard Mitch Goodwin. The Kelowna Secondary product led the Heat with 25 points on the night, and shot 4-5 from beyond the arc. In the first half Goodwin was the offense for UBC Okanagan tallying 16 of the team?s 24 points.

?Mitch played his heart out tonight,? coach Guarasci remarked on his first year guard?s play. ?He was aggressive on both ends of the floor and almost willed us to a win. We?ll keep working to build on this performance.?

Still below his season average, but much better than the four points he scored on Friday, Azi Fahandeg-Sadi (W, Kelowna, BC) dropped 15 on the ?Wolves. Faza finished with 14 points, and freshman Greet Gill (Osoyoos, BC) hauled in a team high 7 boards, as did Goodwin.

The Heat executed their game plan in the first half perfectly, and really didn?t allow the high scoring Timberwolves any good looks at the rim; forcing UNBC to shoot 36% from the field (9-25), and 11% from three (1-9). Before this weekend the Wolves as a team averaged 37% from three and 43% from the field. In the second half UNBC returned to form and shot 19-35 (54.3%) from two and 3-7 (43%) from three point land.

Four players for the Timberwolves reached double digits in scoring versus the Heat Saturday night, as UNBC?s quartet of fifth year guards accounted for 56 of the team?s 81 total points. Sam Raphael with 20, while Francis Rowe added 16; Jose Araujo and Joel Rybachuk each scored ten.

?We will refocus as we have some important games coming up this weekend at home,? finished Guarasci.

The Heat will be back in Kelowna for their next pair of games, on Friday and Saturday (Nov 23-24), UBC Okanagan will host their first Prairie division teams of the season. On Friday the Brandon Bobcats will play in Kelowna and on Saturday it will be a match-up versus the Regina Cougars. Friday night tip-off is at 8 p.m., and on Saturday it will be an hour earlier at 7 p.m. These will be the last home games of the first semester for the Heat basketball teams.

Catch the action in person, or online at



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