Thursday, January 31, 2013

Town and Country Living: Making a Choice for Health and Fitness

Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking about my health. No, there's nothing wrong ... at least, that I know of anyway. I've been exercising since my early twenties when I started havin' babies and I've kind of been slacking off since summer, running a few miles off and on but not running on a regular, disciplined basis like I normally do. I haven't been paying as close attention to what I put in my mouth, either.

The combination of not exercising regularly and not eating as good as I should

has left me feeling lethargic, sometimes irritable, and has even affected my ability to sleep well.

Well that's all about to change. Big Time! I just signed up to run a marathon.

I've already run a few marathons so it's not new territory for me.

But knowing that 26.2 miles lie ahead of you, you realize you can't be a slacker.

The training has to be done ... and your food needs to be healthy in order to support the training.

The best way I know to motivate myself is to sign up for a competitive event like this.

My daughter signed up with me and this will be her first marathon.

That may seem like a long time from now, but I need to train just to get ready for the training!

So this week I've gotten back into a running routine and am eating much better.

I do believe a lot of our health problems stem from poor choices we make with food and exercise.

So as I grow older, I'm ever more aware of choices that affect my health.

I need to lose at least 10 pounds before marathon day ... so the journey begins!

I'm sure I'll be writing about this from time to time on my blog between now and race day.

I'm looking forward to it and glad I made a healthy choice before the situation got out of hand.

Do you have any health or fitness goals this year? It's never too late to start!

Linking Up to ...


Ye Shiwen OJ Murdock Olympics Live Mens Gymnastics Allison Schmitt Olympic Schedule Kyla Ross

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