Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scott Schroeder Memorial Bike Ride Kick Off to Help Support UNM ...

Come cel?e?brate Scott Schroeder?s life and sup?port the Uni?ver?sity of New Mex?ico Can?cer Cen?ter on Sat?ur?day, March 16 for the Scott Schroeder Memo?r?ial Bike Ride. Kick off will begin at 10 a.m. at 215 Gold Avenue.

Cyclists of all ages and lev?els are wel?come and dona?tions are encour?aged for those wish?ing to par?tic?i?pate. Par?tic?i?pants should bring their bicy?cle and or walk?ing shoes to the?event.

?Things are going to be a lit?tle dif?fer?ent this year,? said Car?rie Stans?bery, Scott Schroeder?s sis?ter. Fundrais?ing efforts will be kicked off this March and con?tinue through Octo?ber. Stans?bery hopes to raise $60,000 this year through mul?ti?ple fundrais?ing events includ?ing the 2013 Scott Schroeder Memo?r?ial Bike Ride. ?This bike ride is a thank you to the UNM Can?cer Cen?ter, and all the incred?i?ble peo?ple that work there,? Stans?bery said. ?This is an oppor?tu?nity for us to cel?e?brate who my brother was.?

Cyclists last year ped?aled through howl?ing winds and seas of fly?ing sand, but they were not dis?cour?aged. ?My brother was larger than life, and he would not have given up,? Stans?bery?said.

With hopes of bet?ter weather this year, Team TSS (Troy Scott Schroeder) will lead the fun-ride through the Bosque and back down?town. Scott Schroeder?s mother, Char?lene Schroeder, will be cook?ing food along with friends and sup?port?ers of the?fund.

The annual Scott Schroeder Memo?r?ial Bike Ride raises money and aware?ness for can?cer and early detec?tion. All funds raised will be donated to the UNM Can?cer Cen?ter to con?tinue research?ing and find?ing solu?tions to can?cer. Dona?tions can be made year?long at: The Scott Schroeder Memo?r?ial Fund.


Kayla Harrison Mars landing Gabby Douglas John Orozco Garrett Reid shawn johnson Tony Sly

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