Monday, October 15, 2012

Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da: 1 Month

Well, Norma Grace came home, we took a million pictures, and the computer crashed- and I do mean ?it died a magnificent, total wipeout kind of harddrive death. ?And it wasn't a slow decline either. ?It just sprung this on us...right in between Frazier having pink eye and Josh's sinus infection. ?Fortunately, we have an external harddrive we put all our pictures on and Josh does a periodic backup so we didn't really lose anything...except the actual harddrive, a few word docs, and all the time it took to re-download all the programs we use. ?Time was at a premium the last few weeks anyway, so we did it slowly, in shifts. ?At long last I think we've recouped all our losses, excepting the time.

Overall, it's been a really wonderful month and it's gone by way too fast. ?My parents arrived and left. ?Ross is here through tomorrow. ?We've had a welcome parade of friends and family around and many of them came bearing food and gifts. ?The past couple of weeks things have begun to morph into our new normal and I'd say we're adjusting well. ?When Frazier was a month old he'd been to his first doctor's appointment, a lactation appointment, the hospital for jaundice, church once, and McAlisters for dinner. ?At one month, Norma Grace has been to 7 restaurants (3 of them more than once), her two week appointment, an audiology appointment, small group (twice), the park, Drug Emporium, Target, Wal-Mart, Kohls, Frazier's dentist, 4 consignment stores, my salon, a baby shower, our friends The Nehlses' house (twice), a MOPS steering team meeting, MOPS (twice), BSF (twice), Hobby Lobby, TJMaxx, Jefferson, and church (three times). ?At her two week appointment she weighed 8lbs 10oz and I know she's gotten even bigger since then. ?She's outgrown all her newborn outfits and is wearing all 3 month now. ?She smiles already, but they're fleeting and difficult to catch on camera. ?She definitely likes a pacifier, though she's picky and partial to the Soothie or Gumdrop. ?She's been a pretty easy baby thus far, though she nurses about every three hours all around the clock and is often gassy in between. ?My blog archives remind me that Frazier was sleeping a 7 hour stretch at night by 5 weeks. ?I won't complain, but I will say that it will be nice to sleep for more than three hours in a row one day. ?That day will be here sooner than I think, I know, and when it is I'll miss our late nights just the two of us watching House Hunters International. :)

Frazier has been nothing but sweet to the baby and has told me many times that he is "so glad she came out of [my] tummy!" ?He is forever kissing on her and is quick to try and comfort her when she cries. ?He takes her a paci, or sings to her or brings something of his to show her. ?I honestly think he's genuinely glad to have her around. ?I suppose I'll have to remind him of this one day. ?:) Once I heard her fussing in her carrier and by the time I got to her he was already kneeling next to her doing "This Little Piggy" on her toes. ?I'm pretty proud of him for jumping right into his new role and taking the whole transition with as much grace as you can expect from a 3 year old. ?Every week seems to get even better, too. ?(I'm typing on the laptop while sitting in the bathroom with Frazier as he plays in the tub and we just heard her cry a little and Frazier said, "Oh- you better go check on the baby," then when I didn't get up immediately he prodded again, "I want you to go check on the baby; I think she's just crying a little bit," :) ?I really think she likes when he's around too. ?I thought it would be harder to juggle the two of them, but I don't feel stretched too thin...yet. ?I think if I were getting more sleep I'd be golden. ?Nevertheless, we really couldn't have enjoyed having Norma Grace here the past month more. It kind of feels like she's been part of us all we always belonged together.



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