Friday, April 5, 2013

100 Day Juice Feast #80 ? Detox Symptoms - Fitness Through ...

Dear Matthew and Victoria, have you guys ever heard of the Herbs, reside in India, known as kadukka podi and haritaki.
It is said by Nathyannanda ( Indian spiritual master ) to have tremendous positive influence on your health. far beyond any herb.. it seems Kadduka podi isn?t being imported in the west yet, but haritaki is..
Wondering if u ever came? across these

I have had bad breath, lost my job? due to it. tried to find a new job but it?s very hard once you stink up the office. I had tonsil stones and awful bad breath. My friend told me to Google Oraltech Labs as it got rid of his bad breath and his post nasal drip. I?ve been following Oraltech Labs for about 2 months now and I feel much better, also people are not? avoiding me anymore so it seems? to have cured my bad breath as well.

I have had bad breath, lost my job due to it. tried to find a new job but it?s very hard once you stink up the office. I had tonsil stones and awful bad breath. My friend told me to Google Oraltech Labs as it got rid of his bad breath and his post nasal drip. I?ve been following Oraltech Labs for about 2 weeks now and I feel much better, also people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured? my bad breath as well.

That is normal and a good thing. Use a tongue scraper? daily.

i have developed a thick white coating? on my tongue now from my detox. i hope it goes away after i finish and start the probiotics, i dont want oral thrush.

1 day fast with you? :)

keep those videos coming and ty? :)

Yes still normal bowel movements but smaller now. Some days when detoxing is happening it? is like water. Thanks! : )

Thank you brother, you? have a great attitude! : )

Thanks for your? support Julie! : )

My sense? of smell and taste buds are enough for me. Verdict?poison! : )

Have you considered a chemical analysis of the? ?gunk? you are hacking up?

depends on the amount??

Victoria-You? look amazing!

WOW! Really notice you guys are really looking amazing!?

wow you guys?day 80!! looking? so
beautiful :)

Hello- I really enjoy your video?s. You are a couple to look up to and have helped my girlfriend and I with our healthy choices in what we put in our body!

My question is, I juiced for 10 days but switched to whole fruits and veggies, in addition to juicing, because my bowls were very runny and thought I needed more fiber in my diet to have a regular movement. This is a bit personal but I feel it?s important. After 80 days, are you still having normal movements? ? Thank you for sharing!

Spirit says ?keep pooping!? we poop about 3 times a day? sometimes 2, sometime 4 or rarely? 5 :) lol

Matthew, you?re looking awesome Brother!!!!! you?re inspiring me to get wonderfully healthy and toned and have beautiful skin :) . im 4 months all raw now. no stress in it. i simply dropped my interest in cooked foods by focusing on the good benefits of raw, focusing on my idols as such (you too) and their attributes. and wishing to simply love my? body with eat bite as best i can? radical forgiveness & re-opening of my heart!

wow, unbeliveable the type of stuff that releases 80 days into a cleanse. i woiuld like? to do a 60-100 day juice feast one day.. for now the 14-21 day ones have been really wonderful :-) keep it up my friends!

big? up you two :)

It is easy for the body to cope with juice because it puts minimal stress on the organs so the body can then go to work and do the? healing.

We have? been doing deep enemas at home.

Have either of you had professional colonics? during this juice feast?

Great video!!! I have really? enjoyed watching the two of you on your journey!! Keep it up only 20 more days to go!!

You call it detox but is it not that your body is trying to cope with an only juicediet
I mean? 80 days is along time!!


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